About Me
Gunawan Jusuf is the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sugar Group Companies. The Sugar Group is a collection of companies headquartered in Indonesia and focused on growing and refining sugar for commercial sale.
Jusuf is an expert in his field and has led numerous Indonesian products to national and worldwide success. Numerous Sugar Group Companies plantations are in the Lampung Province of Indonesia. Jusuf oversees ten additional offices located throughout Indonesia.
Driven Toward Success
Throughout his years in the Indonesian farming and manufacturing industries, Jusuf gained a unique ability to lead multiple teams to success simultaneously.
As CEO and President of the Sugar Group Companies, he encourages numerous plants and offices to work together. In turn, the company experiences greater profit and unrivaled success. Gunawan Jusuf’s leadership, communication, and critical thinking skills, combined with keen business knowledge, continuously lead The Sugar Group Companies to the top.
Gunawan Jusuf and the Sugar Group Companies Now
The Sugar Group Companies is a thriving company in Indonesia to this day. For years, Jusuf has been able to move the companies toward profit and goals that executives once thought were unachievable.
Most significantly, Jusuf spearheaded the rapid and massive growth of Gulaku. The premium refined sugar product is one of the most recognizable consumer brands in the country.
Sugar Group Companies is now one of the top sugar producers in Indonesia and worldwide. Under Jusuf’s guidance, the company covers every aspect of the product’s production, from growing and refining to packaging, marketing, and distribution. The company works like a fine-oiled machine, and that’s because Gunawan Jusuf dedicates his career to its success.
In addition to Gulaku, the Sugar Group Companies markets JJ Royal Coffee and other iconic Indonesian brands.
Author Gunawan Jusuf
The CEO of the Sugar Group Companies recently published a book titled “Blue Gold.” The story documents that water is an essential source for life on the planet and the anticipated scarcity of water in Indonesia and around the world. Jusuf’s career has given him a unique perspective on the importance of water in business and life.
The book dives deep into a straightforward discussion about the high value of water. Jusuf’s numerous plantations and refineries rely heavily on water for the growth of sugar cane and to manufacture quality products and continue toward success. The company’s success significantly impacts Jusuf’s perspective on water scarcity throughout the book.
I want to elaborate on this. I’m working on gathering more about this.
Additional Achievements
Jusuf is a renaissance man. His business success is well-documented, but many are unaware of his numerous other achievements.
Jusuf is a devout Catholic who donates to numerous Catholic churches. He was fortunate to have a personal meeting with the late Pope John Paul II and the current Pope Francis.
The Terawatt Initiative and Other Energy Renewables
In Addition to the Terawatt Initiative. We were a pioneer in clean energy.
A byproduct of sugar production is Molasses. We Took this product and created the worlds cleanest Ethanol. In 2012 we applied to the California Air Resource Board for ethanol. It was rated the cleanest ethanol CARB (California Air Resourses Board Had ever verified)
He is a founding member of the Terawatt Initiative, an organization dedicated to recreating the energy system for more sustainable, affordable, and reliable power.
The seven main goals of the Terawatt Initiative include:
• Rethink leadership to develop collective solutions
• Reduce uncertainty and encourage individuals and companies to take a leap of faith toward more sustainable energy solutions
• Create an effective and simple narrative for superior communication
• Empower people to demand more sustainable energy solutions, including writing clear policies and political messages
• Rethink regulations to achieve a target of below 2 cents per kWh
• Decrease the cost of renewable power by reducing soft costs
• Rework financing to shift the trillions of dollars dedicated to the current energy system into the new energy system
Jusuf and numerous other industry, energy, finance, and technology visionaries are constantly working together to make the Terrawatt Initiative a success. Their goal is to answer the difficult questions holding sustainable energy solutions back.
The general mission is lofty: to outcompete the global fossil fuel system within roughly 10 years. However, Jusuf has never been an individual to stop short of achieving success.
The Sugar Group Schools
Gunawan Jusuf also funds the Sugar Group Schools, an organization started by his late mother and now operated by his sister Purwati Lee.
The organization was founded in 2005 to provide schooling to children of individuals working in the sugarcane fields. While in rural locations, these schools operate differently from typical Indonesian rural schools. The brightly-lit rooms feature air conditioning and WiFi, and the bilingual programs encourage kids to succeed through the polytechnic level.
The Sugar Group Schools offers free education to more than 1,900 children of employees at the Sugar Group. Kids receive free uniforms, backpacks, shoes, and two daily meals and snacks. Top-performing students are offered full scholarships to universities.
Jusuf’s funding of the Sugar Group Schools shows his dedication to improving the lives of future generations of Indonesian citizens.
Looking Toward the Future
Jusuf and his many business and charitable endeavors are constantly moving forward. Interested parties throughout Indonesia and beyond can expect to see the Sugar Group Companies push for more sustainable production policies, superior local education options, and numerous other noble initiatives in the coming years.